Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Evaluation Activity 4

The audience for movie would  be groups of friends, whether it’s young adults aged 17- 21 and older adults; 30- 50. It will appeal to friends as it is not a movie someone would watch alone, it is also made to appeal to a more grown up audience, so can be watched on a Friday night in with a dinner. Some examples of people who may watch it are: 

These are examples of the types of people who would watch the movie; friends going out to a weekday cinema showing, or a couple enjoying a tense movie together, or a group of girlfriends, enjoying the thrill of the movie. The type of people I expect to watch ‘The Victims’ are people with everyday lives, standard incomes who shop at standard highstreet shops, such as H&M, GAP, and Office, People who listen to normal music, such as indie and old school pop; the type of people who enjoy their lives and their friends, and who are up for a good/ different/ very challenging movie full of suspense. 

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